Information tips as tools for teacher training in the computer science and audiovisual media degree program
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formative tip
Educational Technology

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Information tips as tools for teacher training in the computer science and audiovisual media degree program. (2023). Panorama, 17(32), 68-84.


The purpose of this article is to establish the importance of training pills as teaching support tools in the bachelor’s degree program in Computer Science and Audiovisual Media at the University of Cordoba from the first semester. The type of research is descriptive since it is intended to establish how the resources of the formative pills are a good formative resource, which have a great educational trend and can be used in virtual learning environments, becoming an excellent support for students and will serve as reference material, bearing in mind that the current globalization of education allows them to develop pedagogical and technological skills as instructional designers. During this period, activities will be developed through educational pills and a series of follow-up reports will be made by the proponents of this project. The purpose of the report is to evaluate compliance by the proponents of this initiative to follow up on the activities established in the work plan as an element of vital importance for professional and educational competence. 

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