The situation of confinement as a result of the pandemic caused the educational process to reinvent alternatives of attention to the students, who have had to stay at home and who cannot lose the opportunity to be assisted in their learning process; In addition, the situation that deprives them of attending the classrooms, generated that the levels of academic insufficiency were growing, besides the difficulty to develop the class, due to the fact that some university students do not have the technological means to attend their academic responsibilities; added to this, there was the psychological affectation with the emergence of emotions that counteract the state of mind of the educational community. The present research work was proposed with the objective of analyzing the effects of the confinement established by the pandemic in the psycho-emotional aspect and in the development of university educational practices with the purpose of strengthening processes and strategies for the improvement of student learning; the work is located in a quantitative paradigm with a non-experimental approach, correlational type of research and an interpretative descriptive study on the affectation that the pandemic has caused in the development of the educational practice and the generation of emotions in the psychological and emotional aspect of the educational community; The existence of the enormous gap in access to new technologies, the little experience that teachers have in the use of these technologies, as well as the academic performance levels that are not as expected, the struggle between what is real and what is indispensable, in addition to the emotions of stress, anxiety and frustration that this confinement has generated, were verified
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