Leadership Styles in University Positions: Descriptive Study with Female Managers
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education management
social and demographic variables.

How to Cite

Leadership Styles in University Positions: Descriptive Study with Female Managers. (2016). Panorama, 9(17), 74-84. https://doi.org/10.15765/pnrm.v9i17.793


Women’s access to leadership positions at higher education institutions has become an important subject of research within gender and leadership studies. The purpose of this article is to describe the relationship there is between demographic and social variables and the leadership styles of the women in charge of managing a university. In order to do this, we applied a survey to a convenient sample of 90 women in a managerial position at universities in Bogotá, Colombia. The study highlights that women with PhDs and who are divorced/separated are tied to a transformational leadership style. This investigation also displays the influence of social and demographic factors that encourage feminine participation in educational leadership.

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