Development of Geometrical Reasoning Levels according to the Van Hiele’s Model and Its Relationship with Learning Styles
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Geometrical reasoning
Van Hiele’s Model
learning phases
learning styles.

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Development of Geometrical Reasoning Levels according to the Van Hiele’s Model and Its Relationship with Learning Styles. (2015). Panorama, 9(16), 44-54.


The objective of this article was to evaluate the effectiveness of Van Hiele’s Model regarding the progress in the geometrical reasoning of students that belong to the seventh grade at an official institution in Córdoba (Colombia) and their relationship with learning styles. The study was carried out from a quasi-experimental quantitative approach and included a test to identify the students’ level of geometrical reasoning before and after the intervention, the application of an educational sequence of the polygons –keeping into account the learning styles of the Van Hiele’s Model–, as well as a test to identify learning styles. The analysis of the results was carried out through the Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney, and Chi Square Non-parametric Tests (available with the SPSS 17 software). It is important to highlight that the students were able to improve significantly regarding their degree of acquisition at Van Hiele’s 1 and 2 levels after the educational sequence intervention. It was also found, as in previous studies, that the prevailing style was the reflexive. However, there were no significant differences between style levels and reasoning levels. Hence, it is possible to conclude that the model was efficient for the majority of students regardless of their learning style.

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