The new reality, challenges, and difficulties: Adaptation to postcovid-19 teaching and learning scenarios
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academic scenarios
teaching and learning
social and educational challenges

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The new reality, challenges, and difficulties: Adaptation to postcovid-19 teaching and learning scenarios. (2023). Panorama, 17(33), 272-287.


One of the greatest social and educational challenges facing society is to analyze how, from different scenarios, it is possible to build, consolidate and implement a quality teaching and learning process, which includes all the basic elements and allows to have a marked differential in the knowledge and actions of learners after the pandemic (post-covid-19). With the passage of time, technological tools have occupied an important place in society, even more so in the academic field, making it possible to reduce the knowledge gap in any discipline, promoting collaborative work. From this point of view, the question to be analyzed is: Will the use of virtual scenarios be a reality for a teaching-learning process? To achieve this objective, the systematic review method was used in the academic framework, and articles published between the years 2018 to 2022, with search words learning and virtual scenarios, supported by Boléan operators, using the specialized databases for that topic: Redalyc, Scielo, Scopus. The results show the need and relevance of adapting to the new virtual scenarios, being a challenge for the academic entities to characterize the population with greater skills for the technological, without leaving aside the importance of adapting the curricular plans for the actors of the process.

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