This research exercise arises from the interest of looking at and knowing educational scenarios outside the regular school, in this case, hospital pedagogy and inclusive education, which academically serve children and young people in a state of chronic illness, avoiding that no delay is generated in their academic process or in their life. A pedagogy where all the integral aspects of the human being are involved and worked, taking into account the recreation, the intellectual, the orientation and the psychological support that can help him face the change of life, and the care he must have for his new condition. Taking into account the formulation of the problem, where a qualitative approach is applied under a methodological scheme of descriptive type, with a sample of 30 children with chronic diseases, applying semi-structured interview and non-participatory observation to parents and medical personnel who are involved in the day to day with patients of chronic pathologies. The results showed that hospitals and clinics do not have personnel, infrastructure, spaces and elements to provide educational services to hospitalized children. It is important to conclude that due to the number of hospitalized children and the long periods they must remain attending to their treatment, it is necessary for health institutions to adopt hospital classrooms, not only as a measure to guarantee the right to education of their patients, but as an effective means to contribute to the recovery of their physical and emotional health. What is sought is that education with curative pedagogy is worked with a multidisciplinary team, involving parents, doctors, psychologists, caregivers, where each child and young person hospitalized feels support and sees that their future can improve.
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