Adolescence is characterized by physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes. These changes allowed teenagers to develop a new mental organization that differs radically from childhood. Teenagers build a different a view of the world and diverse way to interact with their environment. They have unique belief and emotional systems. Social isolation due to COVID-19 affected the development and emotional wellbeing of teenagers. Having schools closed had a negative impact and diminished students’ interest in studying. The purpose of the study is to analyze the relationship between emotional discomfort and disregard for online classes among adolescents (age 14-25) who didn’t have an adequate place to study during the confinement. Age and gender comparisons were performed. Participants were 853 high school and college students (68.6% females and 31.3 males) who voluntarily answered the online questionnaire “Experiences of young Mexicans during COVID-19 pandemic confinement”. Twenty-five items were analyzed: twelve gathered sociodemographic information, nine were about negative emotional experiences, and four regarding online classes. Results showed a small but significant correlation between emotional discomfort and disregard for online classes. Women of all ages showed higher levels of emotional distress. Students indicated high percentages of emotional distress, the most common ones were financial stress, anxiety, uncertainty, and nostalgia for life before lockdown. The results of this study indicate that it is necessary to develop psychological and educational interventions to address the negative effects of the pandemic on teenagers. They also show the need to develop preventive programs to reduce the impact of future sanitary crisis.
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