Dramatic reading: an interdisciplinary approach for strengthening literary enjoyment and critical thinking.
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reading comprehension
critical thinking
literary enjoyment
dramatic reading

How to Cite

Dramatic reading: an interdisciplinary approach for strengthening literary enjoyment and critical thinking. (2022). Panorama, 16(31), 90-103. https://doi.org/10.15765/pnrm.v16i31.3345


This document describes the pedagogical experience based on dramatised reading with eleventh grade students, which arose through the remote education generated by the pandemic during the year 2020. This proposal is framed within the desire to generate an interdisciplinary work that would allow both students and teachers to create spaces for discussion with a common purpose: the reading of the literary work "Blindness". The following categories are addressed: interdisciplinarity, reading comprehension, critical thinking and literary enjoyment. The systematisation follows the methodological path proposed by Jara (2018) who invites us to carry it out in five moments: starting point, systematisation plan, recovery of the lived process, reflections and points of arrival. The findings obtained put our experience into dialogue in the light of the theoretical constructs, in order to finally reflect on the teaching task and the opportunities in the construction of new ways of understanding and relating to the literary world.

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