Inclusive Business in Higher Education: A look from the teaching of Administrative Sciences students


high education
inclusive business

How to Cite

Inclusive Business in Higher Education: A look from the teaching of Administrative Sciences students. (2021). Panorama, 15(2 (29), 205-225.


Inclusive businesses are a business trend that links the members of a society and improves the quality of life of people, through the possibility of being an active part of productive chains as suppliers of goods and services or consumers, which allows adding value to companies. The field of higher education has been concerned with generating spaces that allow the creation of initiatives with this vision, the reason for this article. This writing aims to identify whether students from the administrative sciences faculties in four universities in the country could generate inclusive businesses, through the learning acquired in their virtual academic programs. For the research, a methodology with a quantitative approach was used, through the application of a survey with a probabilistic tendency to three hundred and fifty-nine students (359), with (1-α=95% y e=+/-6,9) through a non-experimental descriptive scope. The results show that the four institutions strive to promote entrepreneurship and inclusion as a task of social responsibility, but they must strengthen the pedagogical tools and methodologies for this purpose, as well as include the issue of inclusive business as part of their curricula. For future studies, it is considered pertinent to compare successful cases of business generation that are considered inclusive.



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