Early Understanding of Pictorial Representations. A Reading from Ángel Rivière’s Work
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semiotic suspension
mental functions

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Early Understanding of Pictorial Representations. A Reading from Ángel Rivière’s Work. (2015). Panorama, 8(15), 9-21. https://doi.org/10.15765/pnrm.v8i15.546


The development of the pictorial representation understanding is a long path that children follow throughout their first years. Within this road, children learn new abilities guided by their raising role models. Ángel Rivière highlights the importance social experience has for the child cognitive development without putting aside the biological support that makes if possible. This article aims to articulate concepts introduced by Ángel Rivière with findings in recent researches as well as theoretical works regarding the development of image understanding. To this aim, this article analyzes the development of mental functions and the semiotic suspension concept developed by the author. 

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