Economic Operators Authorized in Colombia: Can the Standardized Model of the World Customs Organization Enable National Insertion within the World Foreign Trade Reality?
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International trade
logistics exchange chain.

How to Cite

Economic Operators Authorized in Colombia: Can the Standardized Model of the World Customs Organization Enable National Insertion within the World Foreign Trade Reality?. (2016). Panorama, 9(17), 124-131.


The regulation of an authorized economic operator represents the advance of the role of the country within the reality of foreign trade and its implementation allows tuning to the global world, where it is mandatory to consolidate safe commercial practices. This article indicates the importance of this topic for national commercial trade and describes the certification procedure to be carried out by those who want to become authorized economic operators. Lastly, we indicate the challenges the country faces as a result of the implementation of this initiative from the World Customs Organization.

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