An Intervention Proposal to Improve the Understanding of Sixth-Grade Cuban School Texts
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Intervention proposal
text understanding

How to Cite

An Intervention Proposal to Improve the Understanding of Sixth-Grade Cuban School Texts. (2015). Panorama, 8(15), 35-46.


This investigation presents the application of an intervention proposal to improve the understanding of Cuban school texts used by students of sixth-grade. This proposal includes an organized set of tasks (based on an understanding model) that proposed specific ways to operate with such texts by using two strategies: thematic progression and application of macro rules. The sample was composed by 21 students of sixth grade of a Cuban elementary school. The intervention lasted 10 sessions and the results show the efficacy of the proposal to teach strategies and improve the understanding of texts. At the end of the intervention, the students improved the development and practice of each strategy.


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