The Creative Process in Taoism and Western Psychology
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How to Cite

The Creative Process in Taoism and Western Psychology. (2014). Panorama, 8(14), 110-119.


Through some analogies between eastern thinking, especially that of the ancient Chinese Taoism, and some contemporary schools of psychology related to the gestaltic neo-humanism and the so called trans-personal psychology, this paper presents and discusses the main findings of psychology on the creative process, the personality traits of highly creative subjects and the psychosocial circumstances that usually favor the appearance of creativity.

Draw a line in space and now you have one side and the other. Think about something and I will tell you that the opposite also exists with its measure of truth. Justify “being” to me, and I will justify “not being”. Up and down, left and right, life and death, beauty and ugliness, good and evil, success and failure, light and darkness, sadness and happiness, etc. Those are just some examples of opposite concepts that, maybe, are truly opposite in reality or are just conceived as such due to the way in which our sensory and cognitive processes work.
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