Artificial intelligence in technical pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) contex
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Teacher's competence
educational technology
Artificial intelligence

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Artificial intelligence in technical pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) contex. (2024). Panorama, 18(35).


The aim of this research was to examine the scientific production of the technical pedagogical content knowledge model (TPACK) in the context of artificial intelligence (AI). Nineteen articles were selected from the following databases and/or repositories: DIALNET, DIMENSIONS, ERIC, Jstor, OpenAlex, PsycINFO, Redalyc, SCIELO, Scilit, SCOPUS and WoS, from the beginning of the TPACK model in 2006 until July 2024. The inclusion criteria were open access, articles only, full text, social sciences and artificial intelligence contexts. It can be concluded that the scientific production is low, reaching 1.91% of the total number of records analysed, mainly concentrated between the years 2023 and 2024. The countries of the Asian continent show the greatest development, with China accounting for more than a third of the total production. The studies focus mainly on university teachers, specifically on the self-reporting of knowledge, for which instruments related to TPACK and AI are created, adapted, applied and validated. The results show that CK, PK and TK-IA knowledge have little influence on TPACK-IA. Finally, ethical aspects need to be considered when using AI. 

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