Analysis of the Impact of a Digital Ludic Application on the Motivation and Learning of Higher Education Students in Math Courses
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Digital application
active learning

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Analysis of the Impact of a Digital Ludic Application on the Motivation and Learning of Higher Education Students in Math Courses. (2022). Panorama, 16(31), 126-146.


The objective of this research is the construction and evaluation of a digital application as an additional tool for didactic and innovative learning in students of mathematics courses in higher education institutions. First, a systematic review of the degree records of mathematics courses at Institución Universitaria Politécnico Grancolombiano (IUPG) - Medellín campus was carried out to identify the topics where the students had a low performance. Subsequently, the digital application was developed using the online platform Quizizz for exponentiation and radicals’ issues, identified in the first part of the investigation. The application was tested on a sample of students belonging to IUPG virtual mathematics courses and it was evaluated through a survey to measure quantitatively and qualitatively the strengths and weaknesses of the application in aspects such as its visual appeal, dynamics, content, motivation towards learning, etc. In general, positive ratings and perceptions were obtained about the application, which was highlighted by its ease of use, attractive mechanics, and ability to encourage learning and autonomous deepening of the topics covered in it. Additionally, it was considered that the application could be improved by giving a more realistic context to its mathematical content and redesigning the gamification strategy around it to promote a more focused and lasting learning. However, the benefits and experiences collected are very promising and validated the application as a learning tool adjusted to the needs of the student.

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