Main Characteristics of Rights and Wrongs regarding the Student Movement #YoSoy132
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Social movements
student movement #Yosoy132
new social movements

How to Cite

Main Characteristics of Rights and Wrongs regarding the Student Movement #YoSoy132. (2016). Panorama, 9(17), 86-102.


This article analyzes social mobilization from the theoretical and conceptual budgets of the literature that belongs to the social movements of the late XIX century and beginnings of the XX century. First of all, we reflect on the conceptual idea of new social movements, looking for an interrelation with the dynamics of the student movement #YoSoy132 for 2012. This way, we aim to establish a theoretical explanation that comes from the political science of social movements, focusing it on the Latin American context of student movements. For this reason, we carry out a documental analysis, a revision, and a theoretical and systematic revision of articles in newspapers throughout the article. This article is also the result of an investigation carried out between Universidad del Tolima (Colombia) and Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (Mexico). Finally, we formulate some conclusions regarding the student movement #YoSoy132 and its relationship with the Latin American social movement theory.

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