Sistematización de experiencias de los docentes en formación en clave a su recorrido por los componentes académicos de la práctica pedagógica y educativa
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Pedagogical practice
educational practice

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Sistematización de experiencias de los docentes en formación en clave a su recorrido por los componentes académicos de la práctica pedagógica y educativa. (2023). Panorama, 17(33), 32-46.


The article presents the results of the systematization of experiences of teachers in training, according to the academic components of pedagogical and educational practice and in accordance with the main objective of the research entitled "Pedagogical and educational practice in the Technology and Computer Science degrees of the Catholic University of Manizales - UCM and the Catholic University Foundation Lumen Gentium - Unicatólica, as a contribution to the initial training of teachers", in which the contributions
of the pedagogical and educational practice (PPE) to the initial training of teachers in training for the degrees in Technology and Computer Science of the Catholic University of Manizales (UCM) and Computer Science of the Lumen Gentium University Foundation (Unicatólica) are analyzed, it was decided to design and develop a process of systematization of experiences, which allowed to analyze the actions, perceptions, interpretations and particular situations, experienced by a focal group of students of the degrees, while taking the subjects of the academic component of the PPE. At the methodological level, the systematization process is applied according to Jara (1994), where the author considers systematization as a critical interpretation of one or several experiences that, from their ordering and reconstruction, show the logic and the factors involved in the process lived, their relationship and the situations that have caused such relationships.

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