Typicality of Incest in Common-law Marriages
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natural tie
legal right
absolute right
typical behavior.

How to Cite

Typicality of Incest in Common-law Marriages. (2015). Panorama, 8(15), 81-89. https://doi.org/10.15765/pnrm.v8i15.551


This article shows the way Law 54 of 1990 defined common-law marriage in Colombia. Legally, common-law marriage is a way to constitute a family through natural ties. This family is expressed in the Superior Statute, which establishes this union as the essential core of the society, acquiring integral quality within the social state of law and forcing the State and the society to protect it as a legal right by means of the Criminal Law. Incest –understood as carnal knowledge or other sexual act with a predecessor, descendant, adoptive parent, or sibling– destabilizes and imperils the family institution. Common-law marriages composed by incestuous relatives are a punishable behavior and not a marital estate.
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