
Current Issue

Vol. 18 No. 34 (2024)
Published January 9, 2024
Revista Panorama ISSN-L: 1909-7433 / E-ISSN: 2145-308X

Biannual specialized journal in Education and E-Learning

ISSN-L: 1909-7433 / E-ISSN: 2145-308X

Scientific and technological research articles

Carlos Eduardo Daza-Orozco, Óscar Fernando Forero-Londoño, Martha Andrea Merchán-Merchán
Institutional research policies in higher education: A systematic literature review (2014-2023)
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William Umar Rincón-Báez
Studies on the internal migration of higher education institutions in Latin America and Colombia
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Rodolfo Antonio Padilla Berdugo, Fernando Segundo Iriarte Díaz-Granados, Jorge Alberto Amador López, José Luís Olivo Franco
Incidence of expository texts related to electromagnetism topics in the affective components of schoolchildren
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Francisco Alonso Chica Cañas, María del Socorro Guzmán Serna, Denise Caroline Argüelles Pabón
Effect of emotions on academic performance and on development of autonomy in virtual higher education students: a study conducted in three colombian universities
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Valentina Puerta Marín , Juan José Ríos Parra , Jonathan Pulgarín León, Diana Carolina Hincapié Torres, Leidy Mariana Ruiz Vélez, Sergio Castañeda Ramírez
Evaluation of an Application Built Using Classcraft for the Learning of Integration Techniques
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Cristian Camilo Barragán Sánchez, Julián Andrés Diaz León, Jorge Amado Renteria Vera
Augmented Reality for the strengthening of spatial geometric mathematical thinking
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Sandra Chicas Sierra
An approach to innovative methodologies for entrepreneurial education from virtuality
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