Training leaders at the university: the experience of Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
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Training leaders at the university: the experience of Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. (2013). Panorama, 6(10), 21-31.


This paper presents partial results of the research entitled "Model of Training Leaders for Universidad Militar Nueva Granada," whose purpose was to develop actions to increase the student’s professional skills in order to structure a subsequent school leadership. We conducted a qualitative study using the action research model in developing its methodology. This model involves participants in understanding and solving their problems as well as seeking transformation and growth of students through the development of self-management processes. A questionnaire was used to identify students that influence their groups and with them, we developed actions in the personal and institutional field to identify effective strategies to strengthen leadership skills in students of the university. The project is designed as an exploratory phase which revealed the relevance of transformational leadership in the process of leadership training.

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