Pursuant to the Exposure and Publications Regulation of Institucion Universitaria Politecnico Grancolombiano, Article 3: Principles;

The Editorial Model of Institucion Universitaria Politecnico Grancolombiano steers from the Good Governance Code, Agreement 01 of 2018 (institutional strategic guidelines, institutional principles and ethical values) and from universal principles for the specialized dissemination of academic, scientific, cultural and artistic works, namely:

  1. Originality and unpublished nature:related to contributions to fields of institutional interest, which, based on its novelty constitute multiple perspectives to address phenomena or empower the acquisition of new knowledge.
  2. Pertinence and relevance: institutional products that promote associations between new knowledge and consolidation of academic communities that are competitive in terms of disciplines.
  3. Quality:products that provide value or special conditions to the development of new knowledge by exercising higher education’s substantial functions and through an effective application in nearby environments; in turn, this principle is based on assurance of works with enhanced conceptual rigor, conceptual clarity, argumentative consistency and style cohesion (typography, grammar, spelling, punctuation, lexicon and syntaxis).
  4. Objectivity:content with convenient ethical, regulation, methodological, epistemological and technological surveillance, aimed at guaranteeing proper handling and verification of data presented for each discipline.
  5. Environmental responsibility: products that tackle environmental protection with the use of ecological techniques and formats, procedures and raw material, as well as its rationalization to achieve adequate socialization and circulation practices.
  6. Inclusion: Institucion Universitaria Politecnico Grancolombiano will guarantee respectful processes of personal and collective freedom (of speech, ideology, participation, political beliefs, religious creed and diversity). It will assure access and exposure to audiences of interest of the publication formats, be it published regularly or on concrete-works basis.
  7. Open-access to science:works published by the Editorial of Institucion Universitaria Politecnico Grancolombiano will foster compliance of the Ministry of Science’s documents (Documentos de Política Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnologia e Innovacion - MINCIENCIAS), in particular of updates, modifications or complementary actions that guarantee circulation and dissemination of open science in its diverse definitions, understandings and components.
  • Open research agendas
  • Open funding mechanisms
  • Open access
  • Open research data
  • Open infrastructure and tools
  • Open licenses
  • Citizen science
  • Open metrics


All of the editorial processes conducted by Editorial of Politecnico Grancolombiano go through similitude verifications using the TurnItIn application.

If authors wish to check their document’s similarities prior to its submission, they may do it using the Turnitin application or the CTRLSend platform in case they are members of the community of Politecnico Grancolombiano, or with a message to the editor of the journal, who will provide access to the tool.

Link to access CTRLSEND


TurnItIn (CTRLSEND) Guide

If you need assistance with the TurnItIn application or the CTRLSend platform, you may access this massive open online course - Tutorial


Note: if similarities and/or plagiarism are detected, Politecnico Grancolombiano will act pursuant to academic or legal procedures contemplated in the regulations, as well as to the manuals on good editorial practices, such as those by COPE, OASPA, etc.


Works and/or products at the Editorial of Politecnico Grancolombiano are licensed under the terms of Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0

Therefore, submitting an article implies accepting this license, which is included in the Form for submitting an article.