Continuity and change in the dynamics of armed conflict after the fall of the USSR. New wars and war against terrorism: two decades of transnational violence
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Continuity and change in the dynamics of armed conflict after the fall of the USSR. New wars and war against terrorism: two decades of transnational violence. (2013). Panorama, 7(13), 169-183.


This text aims to approach to a characterization of the major transformations in armed conflicts that have been occurring after the fall of the Soviet Union (USSR) and the positioning of the United States as the sole superpower. These changes show the need to give new meaning to what we now understand as war. They also monopolize the last twenty years of international violence, which can be analyzed from a double causal perspective, from which historical breaks are recognized as those in 1991 and 2001, since when an acceleration seemed to have started in the logical mutation that war exercise came to acquire over the last decade of the twentieth century.

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