Globalization and democracy: international immigration and limits of national citizenship.
Panorama 12. Volumen VII. Enero-Julio 2013 / Bogotá, Colombia.
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How to Cite

Globalization and democracy: international immigration and limits of national citizenship. (2013). Panorama, 7(12), 40-52.


Although democracy has become an endlessly widespread

idea around the world in recent decades, is also verified in

specialized literature and opinion research that the democratic

regime is in crisis. This apparently paradoxical process stems

from the fact that the new democracies that emerged at the end

of the twentieth century are challenged by two important factors:

economic globalization and increasing social complexity. With

the decline of the nation- state brought by the restructuring of

capitalism at a global scale, political and legal mechanisms of

economic intervention, income distribution, national development

and protection of the citizens’ rights, undergo a radical

weakening. On the other hand, globalization intensifies and facilitates

population displacement and international migration.

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