Principle of progressivity in disability pension in Colombian constitutional jurisprudence
Panorama 12. Volumen VII. Enero-Julio 2013 / Bogotá, Colombia.
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How to Cite

Principle of progressivity in disability pension in Colombian constitutional jurisprudence. (2013). Panorama, 7(12), 123-141.


This paper refers to the effect of the principle of progressivity in the legal form of the common origin disability pension, through whose application, the Constitutional Court has guaranteed the principles of equality, equity, justice and dignified life, enshrined by the constitution. Based on a review of the case law, from 2000 to 2012, it has established the meaning and scope that Corporation has granted to this principle. The description of the factual circumstances that gave rise to the amparo in several cases, as well as legal considerations that supported some unconstitutionality actions, were the ultimate sources, to verify the validity and the importance of the principle of progressivity in Colombia.

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