Theoretical contextualization of the protection mechanisms in the Colombian fashion world
Panorama 12. Volumen VII. Enero-Julio 2013 / Bogotá, Colombia.
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Theoretical contextualization of the protection mechanisms in the Colombian fashion world. (2013). Panorama, 7(12), 97-121.


This article is the result of the first part of a research project entitled "Mechanisms of protection in the Colombian fashion world." The document presents the current economic and social importance of fashion in Colombia, and the two positions about the protection of fashion creations by specific law. Also, a brief explanation of how they could protect these creations with the legislation of copyright and industrial property. In the first part presents a brief contextualization of the fashion market in Colombia; then a reference to the various arguments advanced by advocates of special regulations governing these creations, and those who reject this position, and believe in free circulation; the third part makes a presentation of the possible mechanisms that could protect existing legislative these creations; and finally concludes that by the rules of copyright and industrial property is possible to protect these creations.

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