Technological advances in the field of law science and partnership at the University of Fortaleza with the Public Power
Panorama 12. Volumen VII. Enero-Julio 2013 / Bogotá, Colombia.
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Technological advances in the field of law science and partnership at the University of Fortaleza with the Public Power. (2013). Panorama, 7(12), 53-68.


The technological development in the contemporary world had skyrocket changes in the scientific scenario. In the case of legal science, you can think in first instance that innovations in technologies does not reach or can not be used in the legal framework. However, the social responsibility work at the legal area developed at the University of Fortaleza - UNIFOR had led us to a partnership with the Defensoria Pública at the State of Ceará, which is a entity responsible for providing legal assistance to those who can not afford a private lawyer and also with the federal judiciary, where it had installed a virtual district court.

Moreover, the law student´s at the university of Fortaleza - UNIFOR are able, to have training classes with the professor's assistance (forensic practice) to instruct the population that can not afford for such services through the admission of juridical actions, and also as an opportunity of participation within the University´s facilities which developed technology to have a “virtual justice” as an example of innovative methods of technological development, contributing with certain signification to the Legal Science and providing a more efficient and wider social support.

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