Evaluation per competences within the currículum in higher education
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Evaluation per competences within the currículum in higher education. (2013). Panorama, 6(10), 133-151. https://doi.org/10.15765/pnrm.v6i10.31


Within the academic world, the concept of competency based evaluation is started at Higher Education Level from the Tuning Project for Latin America, which is sponsored by the European Commission, through the Alpha Program. This context leads us necessarily to historical events that marked fundamental divisions in the pedagogical practice, as the crisis of higher education institutions, which led to the Bologna Declaration.

The objective was clear: an undergraduate student, when finishing his university studies, should start working by displaying high quality and all the skills acquired during his or her career. The geographical context of this student would not only be limited to his or her region, but it should go beyond borders: only then, a comprehensive and interdisciplinary training would make sense.

Being competent is to perform a specific action in a given context, in a combination of three cognitive aspects: knowing, doing and being. Pedagogy has given a systematic training of the three major substantive functions, but throughout this process, there is a parallel concern: what guidelines do we use to evaluate the series of activities that we have generated to develop skills?

To answer this question, we carried out the following process: conceptualization of basic and specific skills required by every professional career; selection of the classroom management activities which are indispensable for skill training; design of eva-luation guidelines for each teaching-learning activity; and finally, setting the specific action to be carried out at the micro-currículum in order to measure achievements in the context of competition.

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