University and reading and writing processes: center of support for reading, oral history, and writing: (DIGA)
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How to Cite

University and reading and writing processes: center of support for reading, oral history, and writing: (DIGA). (2013). Panorama, 6(10), 87-97.


The high figures of learning difficulties in Latin America, greater than 30%, have direct consequences in Colombia, where higher education students show low levels of reading and writing skills. Aspects such concrete problems in the use of speech, difficulties when arguing, very poor oral expression, and limitations when using text refe-rences are a sample of this.

This way, the first responsibility of the university should be to strengthen the communicative skills of its students in order not only to guarantee the quality of its graduates, but also to prevent future student attrition.

CESA created the center diga in order to support traditional spaces like written and spoken communication subjects, and the center diga in order to transversally support the linguistics of its students.
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