Tools for evaluating formal currículum in pedagogical careers
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Tools for evaluating formal currículum in pedagogical careers. (2013). Panorama, 6(10), 71-85.


One of the main central challenges educative institutions face today is to credit the quality of the education offered. In order to do this, it is essential to be coherent in the curricular design. In this context, the creation of tools for evaluating curricular designs is part of the evaluative research of the training currículum belonging to pedagogical careers related to their formulation phase, from a given case.

The purpose of this paper is to propose procedures and tools for the study of the formal or designed currículum; therefore a set of instruments that enabled inquiring about the formal components of the currículum was outlined. With these components it was possible to evaluate the coherence of pedagogical principles, the profile of its graduates, and the review of the presence or absence of such references within different subjects pertaining to the area. This study allowed having the appropriate instruments to examine and analyze curricular components, revealing their discrepancies.

It is important to highlight that the possibility to create these instruments comes from the need to advance in the systematic evaluation of the formal currículum as well as the search for more relia-ble mechanisms that provide timely and relevant information about the coherence of the currículum generated, with articulated guidelines and routes with the stated purposes.

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