ecaes tests in Colombia: an evaluation to the evaluation
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ecaes tests in Colombia: an evaluation to the evaluation. (2013). Panorama, 6(10), 33-54.


This paper provides an analytical view on the discourses that are the base of the

ECAES tests (which are now called Saber-Pro) and on the public policies regarding the evaluation of higher education in Colombia. This conceptual overview seeks to clarify the correlation between the evaluation that the State carries out (external evaluation) and the one that the University does (internal evaluation.) The conceptual analysis of the policies and the base line of the ecaes tests is powered by a statistical analysis which establishes correlations between internal and external evaluation of three programs of the Universidad Central from the results obtained by students in their academic processes and in the ecaes tests. The fundamental questions are: what are the interests of the State and the University in terms of academic training? Is there tension between what the state and the university

expect from future professionals in terms of skill training? What type of professional is expected for the country from the ideals of the state and the university?



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