Contractual silence. Analysis of the peruvian Civil Code and the Vienna Convention on international sale of goods.
Julio-diciembre 2012
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How to Cite

Contractual silence. Analysis of the peruvian Civil Code and the Vienna Convention on international sale of goods. (2013). Panorama, 6(11), 151-165.


Throughout this paper the role of contractual silence in contract awarding will be addressed. More than a simple study on general theory, a practical approach on the application of the normativity of Peruvian law and the Vienna Convention is pursued. Therefore, references on jurisprudential pronouncements on insurance and guarantee contracts and international sale are made. Special attention is devoted to those cases in which there is a commercial use or a practice between the contracting parties without express consent. Likewise, the importance of good-faith in the qualification of silence within specific constraints is explained. Sometimes a responsibility or an urge to speak is derived from good-faith whenever silence is not desired to be granted a positive value that can lead to contract termination. Finally, the roles of good-faith and customs that favor a flexible attitude before novel assumptions and constant demands imposed by practice are highlighted.

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