Dynamic systems and emotional regulation
Julio-diciembre 2012
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Dynamic systems and emotional regulation. (2013). Panorama, 6(11), 129-150. https://doi.org/10.15765/pnrm.v6i11.11


Throughout history of contemporary psychology, scientists interested in studying emotions have overshadowed them due to the complexity and difficulty to easure them. In the last few years, these aspects have been reevaluated, allowing emotions to be considered as regulating and determining factors of the individual’s behavior at intra and inter-level, favoring their adaptation to the surrounding social context. In the following article some historical perspectives related to the study of emotions and its expression in the field of psychology are presented. Later, the emotional expression focused on facial expression and its regulation is approached. Seen from the point of view of mother-child dyadic interaction, it is complemented with the perspective of such interaction from the field of neurosciences, which consider that there are “hidden regulators” within the interaction of the baby’s behavior, favoring the modulation of the mental and emotional state. The paper concludes by showing the study of emotions from the theory of dynamic systems (TSD, for its initials in Spanish) and some of its components such as self-organization, attractors, and junctions which facilitate the explanation of emotions using this approach.

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