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Author Guidelines


Panorama Journal as an open access, plural and inclusive publication is open to the participation of authors from outside this publishing entity and presents the following instructions for authors who wish to postulate their work; having as its main purpose to standardize the presentation of articles to be submitted to the evaluation process of the editorial committee. They intend to establish a coherence in the presentation that gives identity and structure to the publication and, in addition, to keep in mind important variables at the moment of evaluating the quality of the articles by external authorities


New submission or See pending submissions


As part of the process, authors must verify that their submission complies with all of the following elements. Submissions that fail to comply with these guidelines will be rejected.

  • To identify editorial standards which must complied with by the authors who wish to be published by Editorial of Politecnico Grancolombiano.
  • To know the main editorial practices which are unacceptable from the ethical standpoint.
  • To acknowledge the ethical dimension of science communication as a core element of the generation of new knowledge.


The corresponding author, on behalf of the authors, must submit the original article using the Template for submitting an article and the Form for submitting an article  which can be found in the Open Journal System – OJS – platform,

Images, Illustrations, Graphs and Charts

In case the articles contains maps, charts, tables or illustrations, these must have clear and organized descriptions, following the latest version of the APA Style.

  • Graphic formats: jpg or png,
  • 300 dpi (dots per inch) resolution,
  • Maximum weight: 1 Mb
  • Maximum height: 500 pixels (approximately half a page).

Each table, chart, figure or image must have a caption that clearly describes the material introduced and the source in the APA Style, if it comes from a source that is different from the authors. If needed, permissions to reproduce tables, charts, figures or images protected with copyrights must be annexed.

Note: Please refrain from using “word clouds,” tables and graphs that are larger than half a page.


This section pertains to the development of the structured text, it consists of one (1) paragraph with short sentences that introduces the most relevant part of each of the manuscript’s sections in a maximum of 300 words. The following must be elaborated: objective of the article,  methods and materials used to attain it, results and contributions of the research, as well as the most pertinent discussion or conclusions introduced in the article.


Citations and references

The magazine follows the citations and references system of the latest version of the APA Style.


Note:  Panorama, through the Department of Research, Development and Innovation – I+D+i at Institucion Universitaria Politecnico Grancolombiano, offers authors the resources in the multimedia toolbox to assist the research article’s  structuring, citating and referencing; available in:


We suggest watching these videos:



  1. Reception and notification of the beginning of the editorial process: one (1) week
  2. Peer review: four (4) weeks
  3. Acceptance, layout and dissemination: seven (7) weeks


The aforementioned times are approximations and are dependent on the responses of those involved in the editorial process.

Panorama implements the “Online First” publication modality, in it, all of the articles that successfully go through the evaluation and adjustment process are immediately visible in the OJS platform, where the material may be reviewed, citated and socialized without having to wait for the closing date of the magazine’s edition.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • Article presentation template. Do not include descriptions or information included for author's guidance.
  • Fill in all the required fields for author identification.
  • Confirm that all citations used in the article are properly referenced (included in the bibliography) - More information: Article presentation template. Do not include descriptions or information included for author's guidance.
  • Format for submission of article / work. It must be filled out and duly signed individually by each of the authors of the article submitted. Article presentation template. Do not include descriptions or information included for author's guidance.

Scientific and technological research articles

A document that presents in detail the original results of a research project.

The structure generally used contains four important sections:
results, and

It must have at least thirty (30) references.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.