Working paper respecto a los Factores relevantes en la experiencia de marca de las actividades de Realidad Aumentada en escenarios comerciales en Bogotá

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Working paper respecto a los Factores relevantes en la experiencia de marca de las actividades de Realidad Aumentada en escenarios comerciales en Bogotá

Palabras clave

Experiencia de marca
Realidad Aumentada
Establecimiento Comercial.

Cómo citar

Gonzalez Rodriguez, C. A. (2017). Working Papers. Maestría En Gerencia estratégica De Mercadeo, 2(1). Working paper respecto a los Factores relevantes en la experiencia de marca de las actividades de Realidad Aumentada en escenarios comerciales en Bogotá.


Entendiendo que el presente documento constituye un "Working Papers" cuyo propósito es alojar el avance de los proyectos de investigación desarrollados en la Maestría de la IUPG, bajo la categoría de "literatura gris" proyectado a un artículo publicable en revista indexada, el resumen de este documento consiste en: identificar los factores relevantes en la experiencia de marca de las actividades de Realidad Aumentada en escenarios comerciales en Bogotá.



Acosta, R., Esteve, J. M., Mocholí, J. A., Jaéns, J., Stoyanova, J., Gonçalves, R., … Coelho, A. (2013). Ecoology: An emotional augmented reality edutainment application. In IADIS International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, CELDA 2006 (Vol. 9, pp. 19–26).


Alonso, M., Díez, D. L., & Gutiérrez, P. (2015). Universidad de León del consumidor y estrategias de mercado mobile marketing : consumer behaviour and market strategies.


Brakus, J. J., Schmitt, B. H., & Zarantonello, L. (2009). Brand Experience: What Is It? How Is It Measures? Does It Affect Loyalty? Journal of Marketing, 73(May), 52–68.


Brakus, J. J., Schmitt, B. H., & Zhang, S. (2008). Experiential attributes and consumer judgments. Handbook on Brand and Experience Management, 174–187. Retrieved from


Chen, A., Huang, Y.-L., Chen, C.-H., & Tai, K.-C. (2006). Visual augmented reality interface for table-top E-business environment. In 2006 7th International Conference on Computer-Aided Industrial Design and Conceptual Design, CAIDC.


Cuomo, M., Ciasullo, M., Tortora, D., & Metallo, G. (2015). Augmented Reality and Shopping Experience: Impacts on Consumer Behavior. International Journal of Sales, Retailing and Marketing, 4(4), 45–53.


Davis, S. R., & Serrano, D. P. (2012). La Realidad Aumentada Como Nuevo Concepto De La Publicidad Online a Través De Los Smartphones. Razón Y Palabra, 18.


Fern, E., Sabiote, N., & Ballester, E. D. (2011). Marcas de experiencia: marcando la diferencia 1, 27(121), 59–77.


Fogg, B. (2009). A behavior model for persuasive design. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Persuasive Technology - Persuasive ’09, 1.


Huang, T.-L., & Hsu Liu, F. (2014). Formation of augmented-reality interactive technology’s persuasive effects from the perspective of experiential value. Internet Research, 24(1), 82–109.


Hultén, B. (2011). Sensory marketing: the multi‐sensory brand‐experience concept. European Business Review, 23(3), 256–273.


Ierache, J. S., Igarza, S., Mangiarua, N. A., Becerra, M. E., Bevacqua, S. A., Verdicchio, N. N., … Llave, E. de la. (2014). Realidad Aumentada (RA) en el contexto de usuarios finales. XVI Workshop de Investigadores En Ciencias de La Computación, 270–274. Retrieved from


Javornik, A. (2016a). Augmented reality: Research agenda for studying the impact of its media characteristics on consumer behaviour. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 30, 252–261.


Javornik, A. (2016b). Augmented reality: Research agenda for studying the impact of its media characteristics on consumer behaviour. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 30(May), 252–261.


Javornik, A. (2016). “It”s an illusion, but it looks real!’ Consumer affective, cognitive and behavioural responses to augmented reality applications. Journal of Marketing Management, 32(9–10), 987–1011.


Javornik, A., Rogers, Y., Moutinho, A. M., & Freeman, R. (2016). Revealing the Shopper Experience of Using a “ Magic Mirror ” Augmented Reality Make - Up Application. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, (August), 871–882.


Joy, A., & Sherry, Jr., J. F. (2003). Speaking of Art as Embodied Imagination: A Multisensory Approach to Understanding Aesthetic Experience. Journal of Consumer Research, 30(2), 259–282.


Marmolejo, L. M., & Franco, N. H. (2012). Aplicación de la realidad aumentada en videojuegos, 78. Retrieved from


Meneses Fernández, M. D., & Martín Gutiérrez, J. (2013). Realidad aumentada e innovación tecnolgíca en prensa. La experiencia de ver y escuchar un periodico impreso. Estudios Sobre El Mensaje Periodistico, 19(1), 207–221.


Olsson, T., Lagerstam, E., Kärkkäinen, T., & Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila, K. (2013). Expected user experience of mobile augmented reality services: A user study in the context of shopping centres. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 17(2), 287–304.


Pantano, E., & Laria, G. (2012). Innovation in retail process: From consumers’ experience to immersive store design. Journal of Technology Management and Innovation.


Philip Kotler, G. A. (2003). Fundamentos de marketing (Pearson Ed).


Rese, A., Schreiber, S., & Baier, D. (2014). Technology acceptance modeling of augmented reality at the point of sale: Can surveys be replaced by an analysis of online reviews? Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 21, 869–87


Rodríguez, G. (2016). Gestión del marketing sensorial sobre la experiencia del consumidor, XXII(3), 67–83.


Ruiz Mafé, C., & Sanz Blas, S. (2006). Influencia De Las Motivaciones En La Decisión De Compra Y En La Lealtad Hacia Internet. Investigaciones Europeas de Direccion Y Economia de La Empresa, 12, 195–215.


Salento, U. (2016). Consumer preference , satisfaction , and intentional behavior : Investigating consumer attitudes for branded or ... Consumer preference , satisfaction , and intentional behavior : Investigating consumer attitudes for branded or unbranded products, (April).


Schmitt, B. H., & Zarantonello, L. (2009). Brand Experience : What Is It ? How Is It Measured ? Does It Affect Loyalty ?, 73(May), 52–68.


Schroeder, J. E. (2004). The Marketing Power of Emotion. Journal of Macromarketing, 24(1), 59–61.


Shankar, V., Inman, J. J., Mantrala, M., Kelley, E., & Rizley, R. (2011). Innovations in shopper marketing: Current insights and future research issues. Journal of Retailing, 87(SUPPL. 1), S29–S42.


Stoyanova, J., Gonçalves, R., Brito, P. Q., & Coelho, A. (2013). Real-time augmented reality pemo platform for exploring consumer emotional responses with shopping applications. International Journal of Online Engineering,


Zarantonello, L., & Schmitt, B. H. (2010). Using the brand experience scale to profi le consumers and predict. Journal of Brand Management, 17(7), 532–540.


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