Studying consumer lifestyles and ethnocentrism is a unique way of finding out buyer behavior and market segmentation. This chapter discusses two of the most popular marketing typologies, The Values, Attitudes and Lifestyles (VALS) 1 and 2 typology and the Claritas typology. The methodological issues include measure equivalence and sample equivalence of the segmentation (Lim, Yoo, & Park, 2018; Maciejewski, Mokrysz, & Wróblewski, 2019) basis, segmentation methods employed, and whether national sample sizes should be proportional to population sizes (Steenkamp & Ter Hofstede, 2002). It argues that these typologies have certain deficiencies and suggests a different typology, the Grid-Group typology which suggests there are four lifestyles (consumer cultures) that are all in opposition to one another, but which shape consumer preferences for members of each culture.
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