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PRESENTATION. (2020). Catálogo Editorial Politecnico Grancolombiano, 1(253), 8-11.


Marketing -as a social discipline that outlines cultural traits- involves a series of new social players in constant change who affix new concepts to the construction of the culture of consumption, its evolution and behavior.


Understanding this and reaching an improved and complete holistic vision of the factors that affect consumers’ purchase decisions (Rehman, 2017) and their influence on marketing as a social phenomenon results in a field that has been and must be explored from the outskirts in scientific papers, such as the structured review “Consumer culture theory: Development, critique, application and prospects” by Arnould, Press, Salminen, & Tillotson (2019) who validate the need to research and disseminate findings in this area of knowledge in a book that provides a rigorous literature update due to the fact that it proposes interesting journeys through different approaches in order to understand consumption culture’s studies.



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