Optimization of the information storage process of the students of the Educational Institution Belén, Colombia, through a computerized system of disciplinary and academic control
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Optimization of the information storage process of the students of the Educational Institution Belén, Colombia, through a computerized system of disciplinary and academic control. (2023). Panorama, 17(33), 288-311. https://doi.org/10.15765/pnrm.v17i33.4136


The objective of this research was to optimize the storage and treatment of information corresponding to the students of the Belén Educational Institution in the municipality of Montelibano, through the design and implementation of a computerized system for disciplinary and academic control. The proposal arises from the diagnosed needs in aspects such as the control of active and graduate student files, the search for data and the generation of reports requested by internal and external personnel. In this quasi-experiment that included the application of pre-test and post-test, a control group of 20 teachers participated, who carried out the activities of recording and processing information in the traditional way, and an experimental group also made up of 20 teachers who used the web platform during the second semester of the year 2020. For the analysis of results, statistical techniques were used, among which frequency tables, percentages and bar graphs stand out, in addition, the ANOVA data analysis was applied, highlighting the significant decrease in completion times of the activities in the experimental group, as well as the satisfaction of the teachers, which allows concluding that the implemented computer system achieved the optimization objective.

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